Is South Carolina a Good Place for Health Care?

Find out how South Carolina ranks in terms of cost of care, health outcomes and access to care. Learn about programs and benefits that can help support employee populations.

Is South Carolina a Good Place for Health Care?

When it comes to health care, South Carolina is one of five states that have seen the most improvement in quality, according to a report from the United States Department of Health and Human Services. In terms of cost, South Carolina ranked 49th, 41st in terms of health outcomes, and 32nd in terms of access to care. The states with the best health care in the US are those where people are generally healthier, have access to health care services, and are least likely to be uninsured. The best states for health care can be found all over the country, from Hawaii to Rhode Island.

That said, four of the top ten states on the list are located in the Northeast. The Kaiser Family Foundation is an independent source for research, surveys, and news on health policy. It's important to note that the data used in these snapshots comes from different sources and time periods, so it may not be comparable. Employers who do business or have employees living in South Carolina should consider programs or benefits that can help support their employee population and guide them to make better health decisions.

Among the bottom ten states are Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma, Alabama, North Carolina, Arkansas, Alaska, Mississippi and Louisiana. On a positive note, South Carolina ranked first in terms of urgent care centers per capita, sixth in the proportion of children who went to preventive medical and dental care last year, and eighth in the rate of acceptance of Medicaid by doctors.